Dental Implant Treatment

Dental Implant Treatment

The Dental Implant information in this section of the website is intended to provide you with an overview of routine dental implant treatment.

What are dental Implants?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth, bridge or even a full denture. Dental implants are made of pure titanium, a material that is totally bio compatible (compatible with body tissues) and actually integrates with the surrounding bone and becomes part of the body. Dental implants are an effective, safe and predictable solution to the problems resulting from missing teeth.


Dental Implant Treatment is a particular area of experience at THE DENTAL EXCELLENCE. Our dental specialists have completed over 200 of implant treatments successfully. Our state of the art dental implant clinic in Dhaka has everything we could possibly need on-site to provide implants in a safe and professional environment. We are one of few dental clinics to have a sensor for computerized x-ray system. This enables us to avoid damage to important nerves in the jaws and to the sinuses during surgery. 


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Why should teeth be replaced?

Apart from being able to smile, eat, and speak better; dental implants prevent the onset of poor facial profile due to loss of bone mass in your jaw bone. Dental Implants prevent bone loss by transmitting load forces during the chewing process down into the jawbone. The jawbone reacts to this loading by increasing the bone density. Dental Implants are well known in their ability to stop bone loss and restore facial skeletal structure while significantly improving nutrition.

There are many unfavorable consequences from loss of teeth without replacement:
  • Drifting of adjacent teeth: when there is a missing gap, opposing teeth may over-erupt adjacent teeth drift into the empty spaces resulting in food trapping and possible decay
  • Difficulty of chewing : missing teeth causes issues in chewing that could possibly result in indigestion
  • Poor appearance & bone loss: loss of youthful and facial structure appearance due to bone resorption
  • Loss of lip support
  • Poor speech : difficulty in speaking specially if front teeth is missing

Am I a candidate for dental Implants?

Dental implants are the best option for people of all ages in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or teeth due to an accident, gum disease, an injury,or some other reason. It is important that you have enough dental bone to support the implant. There are some health conditions that warrant special consideration. Certain chronic diseases, heavy smoking, or alcohol abuse may contraindicate implant treatment. After careful evaluation of your health history, our dentists will alert you to any conditions that may effect your treatment. Remember, age is not a factor.

Do I have enough bone?

It is important for a patient to have enough bone to support an implant. If you do not have enough bone, there are many safe and effective ways to correct bone deficiency. Dr. Uttom K Shet, our Chief Dental Surgeon and Implantologist, will assess you and advise you if additional bone material is needed. It may be necessary for him to perform an artificial bone replacement, sinus lift or graft from your own bone before the implant can be placed.

What are some of the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants are so natural-looking and feeling, you may forget you ever lost a tooth. Perhaps you hide your smile because you are embarrassed by your missing teeth. Maybe your dentures don't feel secure. Perhaps you have difficulty chewing. If you are missing one or more teeth and would like to smile, speak and eat again with comfort and confidence, implants could be the answer. Dental implants are especially practical for patients who can no longer wear removable dentures.
  • Renewed ability to chew and speak properly
  • Restoration of facial aesthetics
  • Preservation of remaining jaw bone structure
  • Recovery of the natural appearance and function of teeth
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem

Are there different types of dental implants?

There are many different types of dental implants. We insert Osstem Implant, a world leader in implant technology. We are able to produce crowns, bridgework or implant retained dentures on most other type of implants.


Dental Implant Procedure?

Dental Implant treatment is arranged in the following steps:

• Insertion of the Implant

• Healing of the gum

• Exposure of the Implant site

• Taking the impression

• Insertion of crown and bridge or over-denture

The placement of the implant is followed by a healing period of between 2 and 3 months in which the bone bonds to the implant.

At the end of the healing period, a return visit of between 5 and 15 days is required for the fitting of Porcelain or Procera Crowns. Many patients can divide the second stage into two parts, with a 1-2 week break in between.

Is there pain or discomfort?

Many patients report dental implant surgery to be less troublesome than having teeth removed. The dental implants are placed using a simple local anaesthetic, and sometimes with sedation if you are very nervous. Most patients report that they were much more comfortable following the procedure than they had anticipated.

Will I be without replacement teeth at any time?

There are several different ways to get temporary teeth during the healing period. Most people just wear their existing denture during this time. Some people have been without teeth for a long time and so are happy to go without temporaries for a few months. For those who are not it is usually possible to get fixed or removable temporary teeth. Fixed temporaries are more expensive as they are dental bridges bonded to the adjacent teeth. Removable teeth such as dentures may be made by a laboratory or you may use your existing dentures during the healing phase.

How long does the treatment take?

The placement of the implant requires a visit of 3-5 days and is followed by a healing period of between 2 and 6 months during which time the bone bonds to the implant. You can wear your denture during this healing time. At the end of the healing period, a return visit of between 5 and 15 days is required for the fitting of Porcelain or Procera Crowns or over-denture. Many patients can divide the second stage into two shorter visits, with a 1-2 week break in between.

How long will my implants last?

Under proper conditions and with diligent oral hygiene, dental implants can last a lifetime.

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