General dentistry

General Dentistry

Dentistry involves the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of conditions, disorders and diseases affecting the teeth, gums and maxillofacial (associated with the jaw and face) region of the body. We offer regular checkups for oral health maintenance as well as treatment for an extensive range of dental services. Our general dentistry services include:
  • X-rays 
  • Cleanings and checkups
  • Oral cancer screenings
  • Fillings
  • Scallig

                                             BEFORE AND AFTER SCALING

 Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Cosmetic dentistry is a comprehensive dental service that combines art and science to optimally improve dental aesthetics and function .It is a form of treatment that is performed in order to enhance a patient’s smile and overall appearance. The perfect smile involves a combination of the proper shape, shade and harmony of all your teeth. Some of the smile improvement services that we provide are:

  • Teeth Whitening-Whether you are interested in quick in-office whitening or a take-home teeth-whitening kit, you’ll want to hear about our very effective and safe whitening for life program using the snow light whitening system.

  • Composite Bonding Using tooth –colored material, we can close spaces, even out chips in teeth and also effectively correct minor tooth irregularities in shape and size. It is one of the most conservative versatile and affordable ways to aesthetically restore a multitude of dental cases.  

Case : 1

  • Diastema Closure with cosmetic filling

CASE : 2

Space closure with cosmetic filling 

  • Porcelain Veneers-These are lab-processed shell like facings that are used to correct minor irregularities in the shape size and color of teeth.
  • Porcelain Crowns-A crown can cover and protect a tooth that has become fragile through decay or large or recurrent fillings. Natural-looking porcelain is usually used for front teeth, and porcelain fused to metal can be used for either the front or the back.
  • Porcelain fixed bridges-A dental bridge is a fixed appliance that provides an excellent way to replace missing teeth.
  • Implants-A dental implant is a permanently placed artificial tooth which is anchored in your jawbone just like a natural tooth. Implants look and feel like your own teeth.
  • Denture, Partial Dentures and Denture-FittingsDentures are made from some of the most durable materials known to man. Just as the conditions your eyesight changes over time, so does the condition of your mouth. Replacing dentures at a regular interval, every five to seven years makes it possible to maintain a healthy natural smile. It also helps prevent intraoral deterioration of the mouth. As a bonus, the fit of a new denture will be determined by the present condition of your mouth, improving comfort
                    crown on upper 4 anterior teeth

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment (also called Endodontics) is unavoidable when the nerve or blood supply of the tooth is infected through decay or injury.The infection can spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess.
Root Canal Treatment requires a skilled dentist and it is also a time-consuming procedure, perhaps needing more than one appointment.

 Root Treatment
  • The infected pulp is removed at the first appointment.
  • Any possible abscesses are to be drained at this time.
  • The root canal is then cleaned and shaped for the filling.
  • A temporary filling is inserted.
  • The tooth is left to settle.
  • The tooth is checked at a later visit.
  • When all infection has cleared the tooth is permanently filled.


Why have Root Canal Treatment?


If Root Canal Treatment is not done properly, the infection will spread and the tooth will need to be removed. Some patients might prefer an extraction. However, we suggest to keep many natural teeth as possible.


Dentures are Prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth.
Dentures are supported by surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity.
Conventional dentures are removable. There are many different denture designs, some rely on bonding or clipping onto teeth or dental implants.
Dentures are also commonly celled dental plate or false teeth meaning the same.

Over Denture
Removable Partial Dentures are for patients who are missing SOME of their teeth on a particular arch. Complete Dentures or full dentures are worn by patients who are missing ALL of the teeth in a single arch (i.e the maxillary (upper) or mandibular (lower) arch).
More recently, there has been a move in the practice to increase denture stability with implants.
The insertion of implants into the bone below the dentures do help to provide improved support and stability to withstand the pressure when the denture is used for chewing, keeping the bone from resorbing.

When implants are integrated into the treatment, the denture is now referred to as being an implant supported overdenture.

We produce clip bar systems, telescopic crowns or many different dental restoration work in order to choose the perfect solution in order to anchor the overdenture.
In the majority of cases, complete dentures are to be comfortable soon after insertion, at the same time almost always at least two adjustment visits will be required to remove sore spots.
Just like natural teeth, dentures need to be brushed daily to clean them from food deposits and plaque.
Brushing helps prevent dentures from becoming permanently stained and keeps your mouth stay healthy.
Regular dental check-ups are important.
The dentist will examine your mouth to see if your dentures still fit properly.
As time goes by dentures will need to be relined, re-based, or remade due to normal wear.

Dentures Relining

With regular professional care, a positive attitude and persistence, you can become one of the millions of people who wear their dentures with a smile!

Oral Medicine


What is Oral Medicine?

Oral Medicine brings the foundational knowledge of medicine into dentistry. Oral Medicine is the specialty of dentistry concerned with the oral health care of medically complex patients and with the diagnosis and non-surgical management of medically-related disorders or conditions affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. Oral Medicine-trained clinicians work closely with other medical and dental specialties to provide the best quality of care using a multidisciplinary approach.

The Korea Dental and Implant Center

 provide treatment for the following conditions:
• Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD)
• Oral lesion consultation
• Headache and facial pain
• Salivary gland dysfunction
• Atypical odontalgia
• Burning mouth syndrome

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